The Aesthetic Edge Is Going On (A Loose) Hiatus

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TL;DR: There will no longer be a consistent article publishing schedule. Articles will be at random as I step back to enhance my website behind the scenes and live my life to the fullest. Assume no new content, and be suprised when it does happen.

Dear friends,

I have been running this website since 2015. The experience has been incredibly rewarding. This started as hobby where I hoped to connect with like-minded readers and snowballed into a side business. I still am just as passionate about beauty and style now as I was then!

This has never been my full-time job. I have the best job ever that keeps me on my toes 40 hours a week. Really, I got that job because of this website. Over the years my life has become very full, for which I am blessed. I have very few hours left in a day that I can dedicate to this website.

I started by publishing articles once per week, then I ramped up to twice per week. I ended up cutting back to once a week again, due to my life schedule and other factors outside of my control. This has caused me to pivot my social media strategy as well.

You would think after all of these years that the ideas would run dry. But they do not! I never run out of article ideas. Beauty is constant. There is always something new to chase. Beyond that, I have so much footage saved up for short-form content.

Over the past year I have needed to re-assess. This is begining to feel more like a job than a passion. This is partly why I cut back on the website and social media. But, it is deeper than that. While I am the boss and I make all of the rules, I set deadlines and goals that are not attainable. Then I beat myself up when I cannot meet them. It is a viscious cycle. I create my own stress. I have been all work and no play.

Over the past nine years, these have been my catch phrases. If you know me, you are sick of hearing them:

  • “I’m too busy!”
  • “I have to work on my blog post!”

What you do not know is, I am severly struggling to meet a once a week deadline. It was even worse trying to do twice a week. Everything that I write is incredibly detailed to help you. I do not have a team. I am the writer, editor, photographer, social media manager, and the list goes on. The burnout is real. If you are any sort of content creator, I know this resonates with you.

The idea of needing a consistent posting schedule on a website is outdated. It holds no value for search engine optimization, and most of my audience is not repeat readers. My “competitors” surely do not have a consistent schedule.

While I have been going around in circles for the past year trying to decide what to do, and making a change is inevitable, an event this year has fast tracked my decisions. I have never been able to go viral on social media. The majority of my traffic comes from Google search, and I rely on them to put my content in front of those who need it. With the March 2024 Core Algorithm Update, I lost 99% of my traffic from Google. This has affected hundreds, thousands, perhaps millions of small websites like mine. Google decimated our traffic as well as our income. The income that I use to continue to bring high-level content. I buy all of this stuff myself. Brands do not send me PR. Brands pay no attention to me.

If you are out there wondering why you do not like your Google search results, this is the reason. They favor LARGE websites with teams of people, and user-generated content like Reddit. To heck with me, a real lady who buys and extensively tests everything, with nine years of experience. Never tell me that what I do is not helpful. I urge you, try other search engines. Go to Bing. Go somewhere. Stop using “Googling” as a verb. Call it “researching.” Tell your friends. People have lost their livelihoods over corporate greed.

With the August 2024 Core Algorithm Update, I am seeing a small uptick. Instead of, say, 20 visits per day, it is more like 120. Thanks for nothing, Google. I hate that I am being told that I need to “fix” soemthing. There is nothing to fix. This is a deliberate attack.

I have dumped all of my “free time” into the website for nine years. There is so much that I want to do that I cannot. I want to be able to sit down, watch a movie, and not beat myself up with guilt that my work is not getting done. I have a full bookshelf waiting to be read. I have not touched any artistic projects since college. You know what, I have a closet full of LEGO flowers and plants that I want to build. I want to fill my dining room with them to make my own botanical oasis that does not need any maintenance. Yeah, I said that on the internet. I want to spend more time with loved ones. I am a homeowner running a household. I am in a committed relationship. I have other endeavors that I want to explore.

I have been so afraid to make a change, to make an announcement. I do not want to look like I am a quitter. I do not want to give up. I do not want to disappoint you or myself. I am not giving up, but I do need a change. I worry if I step away from a schedule and go rogue that I may never return. I do not know if this change will be permanent.

Here is what I am going to do. Perhaps “hiatus” is not the best word, but it is what I have. This is what you should expect:

  • No consistent schedule for new articles. Set your expectation at NO new content. I will publish at random. That way, when you do get new content, it is a happy surprise. (I am working on new wet n wild right now FYI).
  • This will also equate to a reduction on social media. I do have a lot of short-form content saved up, as well as ideas. I am not sure what I want to do.
  • I will be working on my website behind the scenes to enhance the articles that I already have.
  • I will be watching analytics to see if anything bounces back.
  • I will keep this website fully available to you.
  • I will continue to moderate comments and reply to you on the website and social media.

Now, I have to share my gratitude. When I started this website, I did not tell people for a long time. I thought people would say this is stupid. I am always surprised by how supportive EVERYONE is! Every friend, family member, co-worker has not only supported me, but enabled me. Saying thank you is not adequate enough to express my feelings. Thank you to all of my “spies” who watch out for new wet n wild releasses in Walmart. To everyone that has taken me on “makeup missions” as I so lovingly call them where I drop everything and hunt down the products (I am going on one tonight lol). A special thanks to my wet n wild lady Charlene – I could not do it without you!

If you have read all of this to the bitter end, I also thank you. I wish I had more words to express my gratitude. I hope that you will stick with me, try new search engines, and share what I do with your people. I love you! Being able to sit down and write this with no rules, no research, just stream of consciousness is a great feeling. I want to feel free.

With the fullest heart,

Amanda Vitale

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Picture of Amanda Vitale
Amanda Vitale
Hi, I am Amanda Vitale, the owner of The Aesthetic Edge. I am a beauty and style expert who has been writing reviews and advice for 10 years. I have had the pleasure of testing hundreds of products, and I have published countless lookbooks. You can see my expertise quoted in top authoritative publications such as Bustle and Real Simple. I have also worked with your favorite brands, such as CurrentBody and AXIS-Y.
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